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Mengle Memorial Library – The Punxsutawney Spirit Newspaper

Welcome to the Mengle Memorial Library’s Punxsutawney Spirit Collection, a part of the POWER Library: PA Photos and Documents.

The Punxsutawney Spirit represents a significant regional newspaper in central western Pennsylvania. As newspapers have become brittle over time, digitized microfilm will preserve this rare information that provides a glimpse into the culture surrounding Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The Punxsutawney Spirit dates from 1885 to the mid-20th century, and it includes information about the towns citizens, events, and perspectives on larger world events. The digitization of this microfilm collection at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Special Collections and University Archives will greatly enhance public accessibility.Contains copies of the Red Man and the Indian Craftsman, published by the United States Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Also individual issues of the Catholic Herald, the Episcopal Record, and more. Pennsylvania newspapers will continue to be added.