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Proprietary Government (16 collections)

  • Braddock Road Accounts, 1755-1756

    Record of charges incurred for running a road from the back settlements toward the Ohio River for the King's use in pursuance to the application from more

  • Commissioners of Indian Trade Accounts, 1758-1766

    Indian trade accounts kept by Treasurer John Reynolds for the Commissioners of Indian Trade. Information provided in the cash summary tables is date of entry, location more

  • Crown Correspondence, 1726-1775

    Printed copies of executive correspondence, petitions, and Orders of Council relating specifically to the Province and the Crown. Information generally given is date of correspondence, names more

  • Executive Correspondence, 1682-1775

    Correspondence, petitions, reports, election returns, Governors' messages, ships' lists, appointments, warrants, passports and related records relating to the local affairs of government within the Province. Included more

  • General Correspondence, 1700-1772

    Correspondence either addressed to or received from James Logan, George Dakeyne, Richard Peters and Joseph Shippen concerning such matters as land grants and routine matters concerning more

  • Governor’s Accounts including Lists of Marriage, Tavern, Peddlers Licenses and Ships’ Registers, 1742-1752, 1759-1763

    Record of fees paid for licenses granted to Indian traders (1744-1746), peddlers (1743-1752), and taverns (1746-1752, 1759-1761), lists of marriages for the periods 1742-1752 and 1759-1763 more

  • Indian Trader Licenses, 1765-1771

    Indian trading licenses granted to Indian traders by John Penn. Information provided is date license was granted, name of trader, place of residence, any restrictions imposed more

  • Minutes (The Provincial Record), 1682-1775

    Minutes of the proceedings of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania covering the period from March 10, 1682/3 to December 9, 1775. Information provided is date of more

  • Miscellaneous Papers, 1664-1775

    Miscellaneous correspondence, agreements, proclamations, land grants, deeds, receipts, memoranda, depositions, assignments, warrants, surveys, returns of survey, patents, wills, minutes, ledgers, lists and reports. Information provided varies more

  • Naturalization Lists of the Supreme Court and Courts of Nisi Prius, 1740-1773

    Naturalization lists created under the provisions of the Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Royal Majesty King George the more

  • Port Physician’s Certificates, 1741, 1753-1755

    Certificates issued by physicians granting permission to vessels to enter the port of Philadelphia. Information generally provided is date of certificate, name of the physician, name more

  • Provincial Officers’ Sureties, 1742-1776

    Surety bonds provided for officers elected or appointed to such civilian offices as recorder of deeds, prothonotary, clerk of the peace or clerk of the orphan's more

  • Registrar’s Book of Governor Keith’s Court of Chancery, 1720-1736

    Record book kept by Charles Brockden who served as the Registrar for Deputy Governor William Keith's Court of Chancery. Sir William Keith served as Deputy Governor more

  • Richard Partridge Account Book, 1740-1751

    Account book kept by Provincial Agent Richard Partridge of expenses incurred in conducting provincial business. Information provided is date of entry, nature of expenditure, and amount more

  • Secretary’s Accounts, 1738-1774

    Account books, bills of debt, records of fees paid, receipts, and debit-credit lists. One of the account books was kept by Provincial Secretary Richard Peters for more

  • Waste Book of Thomas Murray, 1702-1707

    Waste book kept by Philadelphia merchants Nathaniel Puckle and Thomas Murray of goods sold and received by Nathaniel Puckle on vessels entering the port of Philadelphia. more