Google Analytics SHAREit Tip -Setting Due Dates - POWER Library

SHAREit Tip -Setting Due Dates

SHAREit has a default lending period of 35 days, indicated in the Participant Record’s “Days to Return” field, but your library is able to set your own lending periods for different formats in your Lending Policy.

The link to your library’s Lending Policy is available along the top and bottom of the Participant Record.

Set the appropriate loan period (in days) for each format that your library lends. SHAREit will use the specified values to override the “Days to Return” value.

NOTE: You can also set a specific due date for a request before shipping the item. Open the Lender’s Full Record Display by clicking on the title in the Pending List. Select the blue arrow icon to use the calendar function to change the due date.

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