Google Analytics SHAREit Tip - Request Status: Overdue - POWER Library

SHAREit Tip – Request Status: Overdue

The Overdue status indicates that an item has not been returned to the lending library and the due date has expired.

If your library is the Borrower
When your patron or student does not return an ILL item to you before its due date, the request will move from Received to Overdue in your Action Items list.

  • When the item is returned to your library and you ship it back to the lending library, be sure to change the status to Returned. That will alert the lending library that the item is on its way back and will also allow you to print a shipping label.
  • You also have the option to request a Renewal, and the lender will see that there is a Renew/Overdue request in their Action Items list. They can accept or reject the renewal request.
  • The last option is to mark the item Lost. In that case it’s always good practice to contact the lending library and notify them and arrange replacement or payment.

If your library is the Lender
The request will be listed as Overdue in the list of Items awaiting trading partner response. You may need to periodically check the due dates of overdue items and contact the borrowing library if necessary.

  • You may choose to Recall the item. The borrower’s status will change to Recalled as an alert that the item needs to be returned.
  • If the item is returned to you even though the borrower did not mark it Returned, you may select Check In to complete the ILL request.
  • You do have the option to mark the item as Lost, but that should not be done unless the borrowing library has confirmed that status as it cannot be reversed.