The Borrower Statistics Report shows the number of all active and completed ILL requests created and processed by your library, as a borrower from other Access PA libraries, for a given time period.
Select Borrower Statistics under ILL Statistics in the Statistics menu on the Staff Dashboard.
- This report counts actions taken on active requests in the specified time period.
- The report can be generated for either weekly or monthly periods.
- After the specified time period has passed, these numbers do not change.
- Statistics are provided separately for both returnable (books) and non-returnable (copies) requests.
The report provides the following information for the specified time period:
- Requests submitted: The number of ILL requests submitted by your library as a borrower using the ILL Request Form or Blank Request Form.
- Requests filled: The number of borrowed items marked as Shipped to your library by the lending library.
- Items received: The number of Shipped items updated to Received status by your library.
- Average days to receive: The average number of days between the date an item was marked as Shipped by the lending library and the date the item was marked as Received by your library.
- Requests rejected: The number of renewal requests submitted by your library as a borrower that were rejected by the lending library.
- Cancelled: The number of ILL requests submitted then cancelled by your library.
- Requests not filled by a lender for the following reasons:
- Not in collection: not owned by the lender
- Not on shelf: not filled, for various reasons
- Not lendable: not filled, for various reasons (returnable/books only)
- Not responded to: not actioned by potential lenders; the Days to Respond expired
- Not copyable: not supplied (nonreturnable/copies only)
For more information, see ILL Statistics, posted under ILL Processing on the SHAREit documentation page.