Examples of Questions Asked in Chat with a Librarian
Hello! I was wondering if you have any good resources about the origins of April Fool’s day?
Can you help me find resources for teaching about Native American peoples to kids?
Hi, my question is if you have any information about Egypt or King Tut because I’m learning about that in Social Studies and need help writing an essay!
I was wondering if the library had any old yearbooks from the elementary schools and middle schools?
Are there any other biographies on the civil rights activist Ralph Bunche that have concrete information?
How can I gain more understanding about the ramen industry from a marketing perspective?
Can you find me an article on the creatures of coral reefs? It needs to be either from a .org or .gov website.
Can you send me resources on the sugar act?
Hi, I need help finding a book.
Do PA State library card holders still have access to Ancestry.com?
How do I download a book to my Kindle?
I was looking for a recommendation for a picture book to read aloud to a second-grade class. I hope to find a book that would take about 10-15 minutes to read or two books that would take about the same time to read both.
What are some ways that technology affected life in the book Fahrenheit 451?
I returned a bunch of books on Friday and there is one that says it is still out. Could you check to see what the problem may be? I am sure it was in the bag with all of the other books.
How would one find declassified documents concerning the relationship between the Soviet Union and China during the 1970s?
Why am I getting an error saying privilege is expired when trying to place a book on hold?
I’m looking for articles on a 4th grade level about prejudice, bias and stereotypes.
Hello I am doing a project on Nate Silver (the statistics guy) and I was looking for some trustworthy sources.
Do you have a private study room available?
How does Tuberculosis affect the organism which it enters?