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SHAREit Tip – Shipped vs. Shipped (non-returnable)

Lender Care Needed!

When a lender performs the Shipped action from the Lender’s Pending List, Shipped is the third option in the list.

When the Lender’s Full Record Display is open, Shipped is still the third option in the Status Options list, but an additional option, Shipped (non-returnable), appears at the end of the list.

When Shipped (non-returnable) is selected, the request will immediately go into the status of Complete when the borrower receives it because SHAREit assumes the item does not need to be returned.

Shipped (non-returnable) is used as the default when requests are made for copies of articles. It is an option on the Full Record Display so the lender can change the request type if necessary. An example is a request for a copy from an item that is normally returned, such as copies of a few pages of a book. See SHAREit Tip Request Types for more information.

If Shipped (non-returnable) is inadvertently selected, it cannot be changed by the lender or borrower.

  • Lenders: if you notice you selected the wrong shipping action, send a note to the borrower with the item and include the due date. Non-returnables do not have due dates, and the request will go into the Complete status as soon as the borrower actions it Received.
  • Borrowers: if you receive a request that goes into the Complete status immediately when actioned Received, notify the lender and ask for the due date.

It is extremely important that lenders take care when performing the Shipped action from the Lender’s Full Record Display – select Shipped unless you are shipping a copy that does not need to be returned!