Google Analytics POWERful Partnerships - POWER Library Spring Virtual Training - POWER Library

POWERful Partnerships – POWER Library Spring Virtual Training

Handouts are available below and recordings are coming soon. Those who attended the live webinar(s) and need the link to the Act 48 form should contact HSLC Support.

This year’s theme, POWERful Partnerships, will explore a variety of ways libraries can partner with and utilize POWER Library to better serve their communities.   All sessions will be live virtual events.

Act 48 and Continuing Education Credits
All sessions are eligible for continuing education and Act 48 credits. Please note that recordings of the sessions will be made available, however it is necessary to attend the live sessions to qualify for continuing education and Act 48 credits.

Handouts and Recordings

To register, please follow the provided link under each session and select the desired day and time.


Help Desk LIVE! Partnering for a Better User Experience

Tracy Carey, User Experience Specialist, HSLC
Mary Lynn Morris Kennedy, E-Resources Specialist, HSLC

Are you new to POWER Library services?  Wondering how to troubleshoot ShareIt interlibrary loan or e-resources login issues?  Need a refresher on how to contact support or find training resources?  Need help finding your library’s POWER usage statistics?  If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above – then this session is for you!  Join us as we review the basics for supporting and troubleshooting Access Pennsylvania/POWER Library core services.

(Note: this session is geared towards those staff who regularly interface with POWER Library services, are the library’s Access Pennsylvania contact, and/or generally are the ‘back end’ techie.)


POWERful Instruction: Using OER and POWER E-Resources to enhance Virtual Learning

Erin Halovanic, Director of Library Services, HSLC
Vince Mariner, Deputy Director, HSLC

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact K-12 education, obliging teachers to continually think outside the box and to find new ways to engage with their students, whether in an in-person, hybrid, or virtual teaching environment. Join us as we take a deep dive into the POWER Library OER Hub and the connection between the POWER resources available and the lessons shared there. Share, collaborate on, or download and remix lessons for your students, engaging them through the electronic resources readily accessible to all students across the Commonwealth.


Going Virtual! Collaborative Virtual Reference in 21st Century PA Libraries

Ed Wolf, Virtual Reference Specialist, HSLC
Melinda Tanner, District Consultant, WAGGIN Washington District

What does your library’s new “normal” look like?  Does it include a good virtual reference plan, to be able to reach your patrons where and when they need answers?  Chat with a Librarian (CWAL) has been working with local districts and systems across the state to create collaborative virtual reference systems to help address the very real need for information services in today’s disjointed world.  This session will discuss what CWAL is and how a system-approach might be just what you need to help push your reference services outside your library walls.


E.D.I. in Action!  Putting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to Work in Library Programming

Panel of Speakers:|
Paula Bannon, Head of Children’s Services, Schlow Centre Region Library
Lee Steube, Young Adult Librarian, Upper Darby Township & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library
M. Rayah Levy, Head of Adult Services, Bethlehem Area Public Library

Looking for ways to add meaningful Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion programming and action to your library?  Join us for an inspiring hour as we talk with three passionate library professionals from across the state whose programming efforts are championing such topics as multicultural awareness story times for preschoolers and young children, LGBTQ inclusion and programming for young adults, and documenting the Black American experience in our communities through oral histories.


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