Google Analytics Access PA/POWER Library Users Conference Preliminary Agenda - POWER Library

Access PA/POWER Library Users Conference Preliminary Agenda

April 5-6, 2016 (Cranberry, PA)
April 12-13, 2016 (Valley Forge, PA)

A final agenda will be provided at the Conference.

Preliminary Agenda [PDF]

8:00 pm to 9:00 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am to 10:00 am


POWER Library for Librarians Tour – Take a guided tour through all of the resources available in the For Librarians section of POWER Library! This session will provide an overview of all of the resources available for the POWER Library services. Besides learning where to find promotional materials (like logos and bookmarks), training aids, and how to sign up for email lists, we’ll point out a few things that you may not be aware are available to you in POWER Library for Librarians!

E-resources: Academic Search Main Edition – Academic Search Main Edition is a resource that contains scholarly journals designed to support research.  Participants will learn how to navigate the EBSCO interface and will get a preview of the plethora of full-text journals that are available at their fingertips.

Using PA Photos and Documents – This session will demonstrate effective techniques for exploring and adding to the thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries, historical societies, and archives across Pennsylvania. You will learn how to search, browse, filter, download, and share materials discovered in PA Photos and Documents. This session will also help you identify materials in your collections that are ideal for PA Photos and Documents and provide the basic requirements for contributing your library’s collections. Additionally, learn how libraries that contribute collections have the option to have them discoverable in the Digital Public Library of America, increasing their visibility across the USA and beyond!

10:00 am to 10:15 am

10:15 am to 11:15 pm


Chat with a Librarian – This session will look at both sides of Ask Here PA. On the patron side, we will demonstrate effective uses of Ask Here PA for students, teachers, and using the service in classroom environments.  On the staff side, we will cover the benefits of contributing staff time to Ask Here PA with an emphasis on demonstrating how you can manage all of your reference (live chat, telephone, e-mail, and in-person reference) using QuestionPoint’s web-based software.

POWER Library Support – Can’t get to the POWER Library e-Resources without a username and password? Forgot something you learned in SHAREit training? We will cover where to find the e-Resources Support Tech Form and documentation for both e-Resources and SHAREit; demonstrate how to generate statistics for e-Resources use; and introduce you to a new HSLC support ticket help desk system that allows for efficient tracking of and response to your POWER Library issues.

SHAREit Database – Good MARC records improve the quality of the SHAREit database for interlibrary loan and for use as a cataloging Z39.50 source. What steps can you take to provide the best records for your library? We will cover extracting your records, submitting your extract via FTP, and reviewing and improving records that do not meet minimum standards and fail to load. We will also review best practices for selecting and downloading records for your library’s ILS from Z39.50 and other sources.

11:15 pm to 12:30 pm
Network Time and Lunch

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm


E-resources: PA Job Resources, eBooks, EBSCOhost features – Geared toward public librarians, this session will review some of the resources of interest to adults. Learn how to navigate the PA Job Resources and how you can help job hunters. The eBooks are a hidden gem that you’ll want to point out to your e-book readers! EBSCOhost has many features of interest to adult learners, researchers, business people and anyone else who wants access to authoritative information not available using search engines.

Using PA Photos and Documents – This session will demonstrate effective techniques for exploring and adding to the thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries, historical societies, and archives across Pennsylvania. You will learn how to search, browse, filter, download, and share materials discovered in PA Photos and Documents. This session will also help you identify materials in your collections that are ideal for PA Photos and Documents and provide the basic requirements for contributing your library’s collections. Additionally, libraries that contribute collections have the option to have them discoverable in the Digital Public Library of America, increasing their visibility across the USA and beyond!

SHAREit Advanced – Have you been working in SHAREit for the past several months?  Are you ready for advanced tips for processing ILL requests, such as performing the Conditional action on a pending request to settle a dispute?  Do you need help with SHAREit statistics?  Learn how to analyze the statistical reports and use them to locate past requests.

1:30 pm to 1:45 pm

1:45 pm to 2:45 pm


SHAREit Advanced – Have you been working in SHAREit for the past several months? Are you ready for advanced tips for processing ILL requests, such as performing the Conditional action on a pending request to settle a dispute? Do you need help with SHAREit statistics? Learn how to analyze the statistical reports and use them to locate past requests.

All About POWER Kids – This session will show you how to give kids the POWER!  We’ll explore the POWER Library services provided in a single, kid-friendly interface, and provide guidance on how to steer your youngest patrons – and their parents and teachers – towards this great resource.  In addition to a kids-centric approach to existing POWER Library services, we’ll also cover Discover PA for Kids, a new resource that provides key facts about Pennsylvania.  Instructions for obtaining the unique POWER Kids link, specially-designed logos for your library website and publications, and desktop icons for your public workstations will be provided.

E-resources: Science Reference Center – Science Reference Center is a resource designed specifically for the science-oriented patron.  Participants in this session will learn about Science Reference Center’s unique interface and browse the specialty designed content correlated to state and national curriculum standards.  Participants will also learn how to locate over 1,200 science fair projects, experiments, and activities that are buried in this comprehensive science resource.

2:45 pm to 3:00 pm
Wrap Up/Feedback/Evaluations

8:00 pm to 9:00 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast 

9 am to 10 am


POWER Library Support – Can’t get to the POWER Library e-Resources without a username and password? Forgot something you learned in SHAREit training? We will cover where to find the e-Resources Support Tech Form and documentation for both e-Resources and SHAREit, demonstrate how to generate statistics for e-Resources use, and introduce you to a new HSLC support ticket help desk system that allows for efficient tracking of and response to your POWER Library issues.

Using PA Photos and Documents – This session will demonstrate effective techniques for exploring and adding to the thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries, historical societies, and archives across Pennsylvania.  You will learn how to search, browse, filter, download, and share materials discovered in PA Photos and Documents.  This session will also help you identify materials in your collections that are ideal for PA Photos and Documents and provide the basic requirements for contributing your library’s collections.  Additionally, learn now libraries that contribute collections have the option to have them discoverable in the Digital Public Library of America, increasing their visibility across the USA and beyond!

Chat with a Librarian – This session will look at both sides of Ask Here PA. On the patron side, we will demonstrate effective uses of Ask Here PA for students, teachers, and using the service in classroom environments.  On the staff side, we will cover the benefits of contributing staff time to Ask Here PA with an emphasis on demonstrating how you can manage all of your reference (live chat, telephone, e-mail, and in-person reference) using QuestionPoint’s web-based software.

10 am to 10:15 am

10:15 am to 11:15 pm


E-resources: Science Reference Center – Science Reference Center is a resource designed specifically for the science-oriented patron.  Participants in this session will learn about Science Reference Center’s unique interface and browse the specialty designed content correlated to state and national curriculum standards.  Participants will also learn how to locate over 1,200 science fair projects, experiments, and activities that are buried in this comprehensive science resource.

POWER Library for Librarians TourTake a guided tour through all of the resources available in the For Librarians section of POWER Library! This session will provide an overview of all of the resources available for the POWER Library services.  Along with  learning where to find promotional materials (like logos and bookmarks), training aids, and how to sign up for email lists, we’ll point out a few things that you may not be aware are available to you in POWER Library for Librarians!

SHAREit Advanced – Have you been working in SHAREit for the past several months?  Are you ready for advanced tips for processing ILL requests, such as performing the Conditional action on a pending request to settle a dispute?  Do you need help with SHAREit statistics?  Learn how to analyze the statistical reports and use them to locate past requests.

11:15 pm to 12:30 pm
Network Time and Lunch

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm


E-resources: Academic Search Main Edition – Academic Search MainEdition is a resource that contains scholarly journals designed to support research.  Participants will learn how to navigate the EBSCO interface and will get a preview of the plethora of full-text journals that are available at their fingertips.

All About POWER Kids – This session will show you how to give kids the POWER!  We’ll explore the POWER Library services provided in a single, kid-friendly interface, and provide guidance on how to steer your youngest patrons – and their parents and teachers – towards this great resource.  In addition to a kids-centric approach to existing POWER Library services, we’ll also cover Discover PA for Kids, a new resource that provides key facts about Pennsylvania.  Instructions for obtaining the unique POWER Kids link, specially-designed logos for your library website and publications, and desktop icons for your public workstations will be provided.

SHAREit Database – Good MARC records improve the quality of the SHAREit database for interlibrary loan and for use as a cataloging Z39.50 source. What steps can you take to provide the best records for your library? We will cover extracting your records, submitting your extract via FTP, and reviewing and improving records that do not meet minimum standards and fail to load. We will also review best practices for selecting and downloading records for your library’s ILS from Z39.50 and other sources.

1:30 pm to 1:45 pm

1:45 pm to 2:45 pm


POWER Library Support – Can’t get to the POWER Library e-Resources without a username and password? Forgot something you learned in SHAREit training? We will cover where to find the e-Resources Support Tech Form and documentation for both e-Resources and SHAREit, demonstrate how to generate statistics for e-Resources use, and introduce you to a new HSLC support ticket help desk system that allows for efficient tracking of and response to your POWER Library issues.

E-resources: PA Job Resources, eBooks, EBSCOhost features – Geared toward public librarians, this session will review some of the resources of interest to adults. Learn how to navigate the PA Job Resources and how you can help job hunters. The eBooks are a hidden gem that you’ll want to point out to your ebook readers! EBSCOhost has many features of interest to adult learners, researchers, business people and anyone else who wants access to authoritative information not available using search engines.

SHAREit Database – Good MARC records improve the quality of the SHAREit database for interlibrary loan and for use as a cataloging Z39.50 source. What steps can you take to provide the best records for your library? We will cover extracting your records, submitting your extract via ftp, and reviewing and improving records that do not meet minimum standards and fail to load. We will also review best practices for selecting and downloading records for your library’s ILS from Z39.50 and other sources.

2:45 pm to 3 pm
Wrap Up/Feedback/Evaluations