Google Analytics Training FAQ - POWER Library

Training FAQ

Access Pennsylvania/POWER Library Training Registration FAQ’s. 

1. Question: I do not know my library’s Access Pennsylvania Code. Where can I find it?
Answer: Click here to search the Access Pennsylvania/POWER Library Participant Directory by name. Your library’s 5-character Location Code is listed directly below your library’s name.

2. Question: Are the Access Pennsylvania training sessions eligible for Act 48 credit hours?
Answer: Yes, librarians with valid teaching certification will receive Act 48 credit hours for attending an Access Pennsylvania training session. In order to receive ACT 48 credit, you must know your Act 48 7-digit Professional Personnel ID number. If you need to locate it, visit PDE’s Act 48 Professional Education Record Management System.

3. Question:  Will librarians working at public, academic and special collection libraries be eligible to receive CE credits for attending an Access Pennsylvania training session?
Answer: Yes, librarians working in public, academic and special collection libraries will receive continuing education credits for attending an Access Pennsylvania training session.

4. Question: Are library aides permitted to attend trainings?
Answer: Library aides that work with Access Pennsylvania and/or POWER Library are most welcome to attend training and will receive a Continuing Ed Certificate.

5. Question: Are attendees required to bring electronic devices to trainings?
Answer: Please bring your own internet-enabled device to the training in order to fully participate. Wi-fi will be available at all locations and power outlets for recharging devices will be available during breaks.

6. Question: If the event is providing food, how do I report dietary restrictions?
Answer: Please contact HSLC to report dietary restrictions.

7. Question: How do I report accommodations required to participating in training?
Answer: Please contact HSLC if any special accommodations are required in order to participate in training.

8. Question: How does HSLC decide on locations for in-person training?
Answer: Locations for training in the fall is determined using the following criteria:

1. No attendee should have to drive more than 2 hours to attend a training.

2. The location must be affordable.

3. The location must be available.

4. The location must meet our training needs; multiple training rooms, wifi, catering, etc.

5. The location must have ample free parking.

Training provided in the spring is typically only convened at 3-5 locations throughout the state. We attempt to convene a training in the west, central, and east. The above criteria, with the exception of number 1, is still used.

Note: If you did not find an answer to your question, please send a message to the HSLC Support at


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