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Register for Spring Training

Spring Training COVID-19 Status Update – In-Person Spring Training Cancelled – Look for Recorded Trainings

HSLC is committed to the safety and health of Spring Training attendees, and in compliance with recommendations at several levels, HSLC has cancelled the in-person training previously scheduled during April.  The next in-person training events are anticipated to occur in the fall.

In lieu of in-person Spring Training, HSLC will offer recorded training sessions.  If you have already registered for Spring Training, you will receive information via email about the availability of these recordings as soon as the details are finalized.  Information will also be posted in the Access Pennsylvania News.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact HSLC.

Spring Training registration is open! The sessions will focus on E-Resources, Programming ideas with POWER Library, Chat with a Librarian, Interlibrary Loan (SHAREit), PA Photos and Documents (Islandora), and POWER Library – For Librarians.

Participation in Spring Training is included in your annual POWER Library Technology Support fee.

Registration and a continental breakfast will begin at 8:15 AM. The sessions will begin promptly at 9:00 am and end no later than 2:45 PM. We will email a reminder and directions to you one week before the scheduled session.

Bring a Laptop, iPad, or other Internet Enabled Device
Please bring your own internet-enabled device to the training in order to fully participate. Wi-fi will be available at all locations and power outlets for recharging devices will be available during breaks.

Act 48 and Continuing Education Information
Attendees may be eligible to receive Act 48 credit hours or CE credits for attending a session. Act 48 credit request forms and CE certificates will be handed out at the end of each training session.

Due to cost, please note that extra handouts will not be printed. If you desire printed copies, please download the handouts and print them in advance.

Get your handouts (Handouts will be posted one week before the first session.)

Continental Breakfast and Lunch is Provided!
Lunch generally includes a deli meat or vegetarian sandwich, chips, fruit, and beverage. Anyone with special dietary needs should contact HSLC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Training

8:15:00 am – 9:00 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am – 10:10 am: Concurrent Sessions

Session A: What’s new with PA Photos and Documents?   

This session will focus on the PA Photos and Documents interface, content, and how staff can best use the resource. We will cover the new PA Photos and Documents interface and preview some of the content available to you. The session will also discuss topics such as how to promote usage of the excellent primary source material, as well as linking to the site, how to contribute collections, metadata basics, and understanding rights restrictions.

Session B: Programming with POWER Library   

Looking for new public programming ideas?  Need to incorporate research skills into your lesson plans?  This session will review best practices for integrating POWER Library resources into your library programming for all ages and types of libraries.

Session C: POWER Library Overview For Librarians   

Take a guided tour through all of the resources available in the For Librarians section of POWER Library! This session will provide an overview of all of the resources available for the POWER Library services. Besides learning where to find outreach materials (like logos and bookmarks), training aids, and how to sign up for email lists, we’ll point out a few things that you may not be aware are available to you in POWER Library for Librarians!

10:20 am – 11:30 am: Concurrent Sessions

The sessions offered from 9:00 am – 10:10 am will be repeated at this time.

11:30 am -12:15 pm: Lunch

12:15 pm -1:15 pm: Concurrent Sessions

Session A: E-Resources for K-12   

This session, geared towards K-12 school librarians, will provide an overview of relevant POWER Library e-resources to meet curricular needs, as well as overall information needs of students. The e-resources that will be reviewed will be broken into core content areas of ELA, Social Studies, and Science and include BookFLIX, Books and Authors, Science Reference Center, the newly available EBSCOhost Science Reference eBooks, and U.S History and World History Gale Topic collections. Resources relevant to elementary, middle, and high school librarians will be included. Hands-on exploration time will be incorporated throughout the session.

Session B: E-Resources for Public Libraries   

This session geared towards public library and general reference staff will provide an overview of a few POWER Library e-resources helpful in meeting the information needs of public library patrons.  E-Resources reviewed will include Books & Authors, Business Insights: Essentials, Health & Wellness Resource Center, and Auto Repair Source.   Hands-on learning time will be incorporated throughout the session.

1:25 pm -2:30 pm: Concurrent Sessions

Session A: Access Pennsylvania ILL (SHAREit) Refresher   

Is it time for a SHAREit account checkup, or would you like a refresher on some important SHAREit tips? Join other SHAREit users for a brief overview of theV6 interface changes, and important SHAREit tips. We will complete a Participant Record “check-up” to ensure all information is current and accurate, and answer any questions you may have about the lending policy. We will also review important SHAREit tips, including but not limited to using the Global Request Search, information only policies, and documentation.

Session B: Chat with a Librarian: Present and Future

This session will cover the importance of virtual customer service and how Chat with a Librarian is assisting libraries of all types in meeting their users’ reference needs in real-time, anywhere, anytime of the day.  Learn the best practices for using chat, how to link Chat with a Librarian from your library or school website, and how you can get involved in staffing Chat.  At the end of this session, get a first look at the new LibAnswers software coming in June.

Training Dates and Locations

(Please select a location to register.)

Date: April 14, 2020

RLA Learning & Conference Center
850 Cranberry Woods Drive
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Phone: 724-741-1000

Date: Apr 21, 2020

Holiday Inn, Grantville
604 Station Road
Grantville, PA 17028
Phone: 717-469-0661 X500

Date: April 29, 2020

Crowne Plaza
Philadelphia – King of Prussia Mall Boulevard
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone: 610-265-7500 x260