Google Analytics 2018 POWER Library Users Conference - POWER Library

2018 POWER Library Users Conference

The POWER Library Users Conference registration is open! There will be new topics and opportunities to learn and share with your peers.  There will be sessions on Scan PA, SAS Standards, SHAREit Tips, e-resources, and more! The training is in-person and will be held at three locations across Pennsylvania.

To register, select a location from the map or locations below it listed at the bottom of this page.

Please note that we will not offer a Beginner’s session on the use of SHAREit ILL software. If you are completely new to SHAREit, please watch the two training videos available online here before you attend the training in-person. Contact us at for the password to view videos and access SHAREit documentation.

Registration and a continental breakfast will begin at 8 am. The sessions will begin promptly at 9:00 am and end no later than 2:30 pm. We will email a reminder and directions to you one week before the scheduled session; directions are also available by clicking the venue location in the session list.

Bring a Laptop, iPad, or other Internet Enabled Device
Please bring your own internet-enabled device to the training in order to fully participate. Wi-fi will be available at all locations and power outlets for recharging devices will be available during breaks.

Act 48 and Continuing Education Information
Attendees may be eligible to receive Act 48 credit hours or CE credits for attending a session. Act 48 credit request forms and CE certificates will be handed out at the end of each training session.

Due to cost, please note that extra handouts will not be printed this year. If you desire printed copies, please download the handouts and print them in advance.

Get your handouts!

Continental Breakfast and Lunch is Provided!
The box lunch generally includes a deli meat or vegetarian sandwich, chips, fruit, and beverage. Anyone with special dietary needs should contact HSLC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Training

Conference information and session descriptions [PDF]

To register, select a location from the map or locations below it.

Select the > sign by session titles to view session description.

8:00 am – 9:00 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am – 10:00 am: Concurrent Sessions

Scan PA/PA Photos and Documents Hands-On Workshop
This fully hands-on workshop will allow you to directly work with the scanning equipment and upload your digital files to your new digital collections. Bring your photographs, short texts, audio and video to digitize some of your materials and upload them into your collections under the guidance of our specialists. Bring all of your questions about material selection, project planning, copyright, digitizing, cataloging, and collection maintenance. A Windows laptop is required for uploading items to PA Photos and Documents, and a flash drive or other portable media is recommended for file storage. Some laptops will be available for use, but participants are highly encouraged to bring their own wifi-enabled devices.

Middle School E-resources
This session will provide an overview of POWER Library E-resources that are appropriate for Middle School patrons. CyberSmarts, EBSCO Explora for Middle School, Middle Search Main, SIRS Discoverer, and TrueFLIX will be covered. Along with an overview, featured areas such as lesson plans, activities, and downloadable materials will be highlighted.

SHAREit Top 10
What are the top 10 questions that Access PA participants have about SHAREit, the ILL software? Come find out! Learn the top issues most asked regarding full-file replacements, the lender list, troubleshooting requests in process, statistics gathering and more. (Please note that this session is not an introductory tutorial for SHAREit and assumes some basic knowledge. If you need beginner training for SHAREit, we recommend that you watch our two introductory training videos before this session.)

10 am -10:10 am – Break

10:10 am -11:10 am: Concurrent Sessions

Scan PA - Equipment Roundup

This active session will overview how to use all of the equipment in the Scan PA hardware kit. Learn to scan photographs, text, negatives, slides and more. Learn how to convert legacy files from older floppy drives, or to digitize audio and video files from cassette and VCR players. The digital files created will be the source of your Scan PA collections in PA Photos and Documents. This session is for anyone with an interest in the digitization and preservation of analog historical materials, such as those found in archives, historical societies, libraries, galleries and museums, as well as in your personal family collections.

Mad Science! - POWER Library Science E-resources
This session will explore science-related e-resources provided by POWER Library. This brief session will introduce Science Reference Center, SIRS Explorer, and TrueFLIX and highlight features of each of the e-resources. Participants will learn how to access featured content areas such as lesson plans, project ideas, science fair project ideas, and more.Screen reader support enabled.

Chat with a Librarian
Did you know that POWER Library offers a chat reference service? Chat with a Librarian (formerly Ask Here PA) is the statewide chat reference service that is open to everyone. This introduction will cover the use of the service from a patron’s perspective (especially useful for teachers and educators who wish to demonstrate this service to their classes) and the staffing of the service from the librarian’s perspective, for anyone who might be interested in contributing staff time.

11:10 am -11:20 am – Break

11:20 am -12:20 pm: Concurrent Sessions

Scan PA - Collection Setup in PA Photos and Documents
Now that you have your digital files, what do you do with them? Learn how to request and setup your collections in the statewide digital repository, PA Photos and Documents. Learn best practices for basic cataloging with descriptive keyword metadata and procedures to upload your images, texts, multi-page documents, postcards and more. Learn considerations for copyright and rights statements, so that your collections can be harvested easily by the Digital Public Library of America for maximum discoverability. This session is not just for Scan PA, but for anyone interested in digitization, cataloging, archives, digital and special collections.

Bright Lights: Participant-Centered Idea Sharing for Programming with POWER Library Resources
Looking for new ideas to incorporate POWER Library resources in lessons or programming? Do you have a POWER Library resource lesson or program that you’d love to share with others? This guided participant-centered session will allow POWER Library users to share their best ideas for other librarians to “harvest”. Please bring your best ideas, programs, and lessons to share!

New E-Resource Links and Statistics
Get your e-resource links and stats here! In late 2017, the POWER Library rolled out a new authentication system for e-resources, complete with a brand new statistical package that is much easier to use. Come learn about the new statistics and bring any of your questions about current and archive statistics, the new URLS and links, IP authentication, barcodes and eCards, or any technical issues with e-resources.

12:20 pm -1:00 pm – Lunch (Lunch will be provided!)

1:00 pm -2:30 pm: Concurrent Sessions

Scan PA/PA Photos and Documents Hands-On Workshop
This fully hands-on workshop will allow you to directly work with the scanning equipment and upload your digital files to your new digital collections. Bring your photographs, short texts, audio and video to digitize some of your materials and upload them into your collections under the guidance of our specialists. Bring all of your questions about material selection, project planning, copyright, digitizing, cataloging, and collection maintenance. A Windows laptop is required for uploading items to PA Photos and Documents, and a flash drive or other portable media is recommended for file storage. Some laptops will be available for use, but participants are highly encouraged to bring their own wifi-enabled devices.

POWER Library: All Hands On Deck: Hands-on for SHAREit, E-Resources, Statistics and Technical Needs
This fully hands-on workshop will allow you to directly work with SHAREit to get your questions answered about ILL process, Z39.50 connections, full-file replacements, statistics and troubleshooting. Bring all of your questions about POWER Library e-resources content and use in programming and lessons, as well as technical queries about statistics and IP authentication. Instructors will be available to answer your questions and guide your explorations.

Unlocking the Potential: SAS and PBL for Librarians and Media Specialists

This active session will help participants answer the following questions:

  •         Why do librarians, media specialists, teachers, and administrators need to develop a better understanding of the SAS Portal?
  •         What tools are available in the SAS Portal for us?
  •         How could we implement the SAS Portal tools in our own libraries and media centers?
  •         What impact does PBL have on school and public libraries and media centers?
  •         What activities can we do in our libraries using PBL?

2018 POWER Library Users Conference       
4/17/18    RLA Learning & Conference Center
4/25/18    Holiday Inn Harrisburg-Hershey
4/26/18    Crowne Plaza (Valley Forge)