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To subscribe to any list, please send a message to with the following:
• Your name
• Position title
• Name of your library
• The list(s) to which you wish to subscribe

Please note that vendors will not be approved for list membership.

All Library Types
Academic Libraries
District Library Consultants
Government Documents
Hospital Libraries
Public Libraries
Public Relations
School Libraries
Special Libraries

All Library Types

PAMAILALL (Discussion focuses on issues related to all library types in PA.)
Membership in the PAMAILALL mailing list is limited to anyone associated with any type of library within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Membership is open to anyone interested in digital collections in Pennsylvania including, but not limited to, digitization funding, vendors, digital archives management systems, the Digital Public Library of America, standards, and metadata.

Membership is open to anyone interested in the use of technology in Pennsylvania libraries.


Academic Libraries

Membership in this list is limited to anyone who works in academic libraries within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


District Library Consultants

Membership in the PADLC mailing list is limited to anyone who works in a district library headquarters within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

Membership in the DLC mailing list is limited to District Library Consultants.


Government Documents

Pennsylvania Government Documents Exchange List

Pennsylvania Government Documents Discussion List


Hospital Libraries

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mental Health Hospitals


Public Libraries

PAPUBLIB (Discussion focuses on issues related to public libraries in PA.)
Membership in the PAPUBLIB mailing list is limited to anyone who works in a public library within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Membership in the PASYS mailing list is limited to system administrators and system staff of library system headquarters within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Membership in the PAYOUTH mailing list is limited to children and youth librarians within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Membership in the PAPLDIRECTOR mailing list is limited to directors of public libraries within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Library Director’s Institute List

PA EDGE Initiative Discussion List

This list is only open to those who serve Pennsylvania public libraries as trustees. If you are not already a subscriber on the mailing list, please ask your library director to send a list of your library’s trustee emails to so you may receive information from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and be subscribed to this mailing list. Alternately, to join the PA-TRUSTEE-TALK listserv and also receive email from FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB, send an email to stating that you are a public library trustee in Pennsylvania and would like to join the PA-TRUSTEE-TALK listserv. Please provide your name and the name of your library.

FOR-TRUSTEES-FROM-STATE-LIB (Please see PA-Trustee-Talk)
This is a distribution only list from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries to those that serve Pennsylvania public libraries as trustees.


Public Relations

Membership in the PALIB-PR mailing list is limited to public library staff involved in public relations or marketing of their library within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


School Libraries

SCHOOLS (Discussion focuses on issues related to school libraries in PA.)
Membership in the SCHOOLS mailing list is limited to librarians at schools within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Membership in the PDELIBRARIES mailing list is limited to anyone working in a school library within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Special Libraries

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Special Libraries

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