Google Analytics SHAREit Software Update – May 2017 - Power Library

SHAREit Software Update – May 2017

SHAREit Software Update (05/2017) [PDF]

Auto-Graphics will be updating SHAREit on Tuesday, May 16, beginning at 10pm EST. Although Auto-Graphics reserves up to three hours for the update, past experience is that it will not take the full time. Two functions, the Load Leveling Options and Title Browse, are improved.

Load Leveling Option

A preferred hierarchy will be used, so requests will go first to libraries listed in the Preferred Lender List, in their display order. If the request cannot be filled by a Preferred Lender, the request will go to libraries in the System Wide List in random order.

Access PA has been using the Maximum Pending/Will Supply Queue Size option, which selected potential lenders first based upon the number of requests currently in the Pending and Will Supply queues, and so requests often went to libraries other than Preferred Lenders.

This change means that it is important that you check your Preferred Lender List:

  • For requests to first go to your main library or district center, that library should be listed first.
  • If you participate in a local ILL system using your local ILS, libraries that receive requests via your local system can b
    e deleted from your Preferred Lender List, as they do not need to receive the request again if they were already unable to fulfill it.
  • Add libraries to the Blocked Lenders list if you do not want them to ever get a request from your library. This could include local ILL libraries; if you have to place the request in Access PA, they could potentially receive it as they will still be listed in the System Wide list, which cannot be edited.

Title Browse

The Jump To: All function now allows users to view all borrowing titles in a single scrolling list.


Previously, this function went to the first page of the list and users were still required to use the arrows in the upper left to scroll through the pages.

Additionally, the Title Browse – View All page features a new table format. This new format has not yet been applied to all SHAREit pages, but it should appear on more pages in future releases. The additional tools and functions in this table are as follows:

  1. Sorting – Click the up and down arrows to sort the table by data in that column.
  2. Filtering – The text boxes below the column titles can be used to filter. Begin typing a word or name, and the column will automatically filter to only show those entries that match the text in the filter.
  3. Edit Columns – Click the gear icon in the upper right of the table. Users can use the check boxes to show or hide the columns that appear in the table.
